söndag 11 september 2011

"Fika" is a big part of Swedish culture. Blending work with coffee breaks with friends and colleagues is one way to achieve "lagom," another hardly translatable Swedish word that roughly means "just enough." Not too much. Not too little.
Some say the word is a contraction of "laget om" ("around the team"), a phrase used in Viking times to specify how much one should drink from the horn as it is passed around in order for everyone to receive a fair share. Everyone receiving their fair share is a philosophy that lies at the root of Swedish society.
A coffee shop is a good place to witness the practical affects of "lagom." Amidst the pastries and the (extremely attractive!) people, one finds lots of men with one hand cradling a coffee and the other rocking a stroller.
On-duty dads are everywhere. This is not only because Sweden takes feminism very seriously ("lagom") but because Sweden has some of the most generous paternity benefits in the world. Families receive 13 months paid paternity leave per child, and two of those months are reserved for fathers so they too can raise their child.

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